Drywall and Painting Services

Do You Have Broken Drywall?

Our drywall repair work will make it look like the break never happened

Rearranging your furniture isn't always easy, especially when you're moving things around in a small room. If your attempt at reorganizing your space has left you with cracks or dings in your drywall, turn to Lakes Area Home Improvement.

We can fix your wall, whether it has a little dent or a large hole. We've been providing home repair services since the '80s, so there's no issue we haven't seen and handled before. You can trust us to:

  • Fill in a dent
  • Patch a hole
  • Repaint the area

We'll match the surrounding paint's color and texture, so it looks like your drywall was never damaged. Call 612-328-6688 to schedule drywall repair services now.

Choose from a variety of services

You don't need to look elsewhere for additional drywall and painting services. We offer a full range of drywall installation, interior painting and exterior painting services. Hire us right away to repair, install or paint any of your walls.

Contact Us Today!